Trash Pick-Up

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Trash Pick-up

Grant Township has contracted for once-a-month FREE TRASH DAY. Free trash day is the last Thursday of each month. You are allowed to place 5 bags of garbage out for free pick-up on that day. Any bags beyond that number should have tags on them. Tags for weekly (or over 5 bags) pick-up can be purchased at Twin Lakes Grocery or Family Fare.

Grant Township contracts with PAC Sanitation only for FREE TRASH DAY. You are free to chose any garbage company you like for your weekly pick-up. There are several in the area.

Dumpster Days 2025

Grant Township will once again make dumpsters available for Spring and Fall Clean-up. Spring and Fall Dumpster Days Will Be:

  • Friday and Saturday, May 16 & 17, 2025 from 8am-3pm
  • Friday and Saturday, September 19 & 20, 2025 from 8am-3pm

Dumpsters will be located (and manned) next to the firehall on North Black River Rd. You will be asked to provide proof of residency with your driver’s license or utility bill address. Bring your hard-to-dispose-of items and non-hazardous materials. Hazardous materials WILL NOT be accepted.

All Freon loaded units assessed a $16.00 charge. Accepted for a fee are tires under 17” for $11.00, over 17” $13.00, Semi tires for $19.00, and tractor tires for $36.00. All yard waste (brush, leaves, etc.) will be accepted and put in the pit at the drop-off site.